perjantai 11. huhtikuuta 2008

YK : Mikä oli neokonservatiivien rooli 9/11 tapahtumissa

YK:n ihmisoikeusneuvoston jäsen ja tarkkailija Richard Falk kysyy mikä rooli USAn neokonservatiiveillä mahtoi olla syyskuun 11. 2001 tapahtumissa: Varmuuden vuoksi muistutan mitä tapahtui. Neljä matkustajalentokonetta väitetysti kaapattiin ja tästä seurasi:

- koneiden törmäykset WTC-torniin 1 ja 2 ja näiden räjähdykset ja romahdukset alle 10 sekunnissa. (eka kerta kun teräsrakenteinen torni romahti tulipalosta...)
- pieni tulipalonpoikanen 57-kerroksisessa WTC 7:ssä ja sittemmin tämän yllättävä totaalinen romahtaminen 6 sekunnissa. (silti poliisi ja palokunta varoitti ihmisiä etukäteen...)
- koneeen törmäys Pentagoniin (reikä rakennuksessa tosin puhuu enemmän risteilyohjuksen puolessa...)
- koneen maahansyöksy Shanksvilleen ( mitään lentokoneen osia ei kuitenkaan näkynyt...)

Richard Falk kirjoitti aikanaan esipuheen David Griffinin kirjaan joka oli ensimmäinen kirjallinen kooste kaikista epäkohdista jotka littyivät viranomaisten selitykseen siitä mitä muka oli tapahtunut. Eli Bushin hallinnon salaliittoteoria jonka mukaan 19 kaappaajaa teki kaiken Osama bin Ladenin johdolla..jne jne jne

A new U.N. Human Rights Council official assigned to monitor Israel is calling for an official commission to study the role neoconservatives may have played in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

On March 26, Richard Falk, Milbank professor of international law emeritus at Princeton University, was named by unanimous vote to a newly created position to report on human rights in the conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Arabs. While Mr. Falk's specialty is human rights and international law, since the attacks in 2001, he has devoted some of his time to challenging what he calls the "9-11 official version."

On March 24 in an interview with a radio host and former University of Wisconsin instructor, Kevin Barrett, Mr. Falk said, "It is possibly true that especially the neoconservatives thought there was a situation in the country and in the world where something had to happen to wake up the American people. Whether they are innocent about the contention that they made that something happen or not, I don't think we can answer definitively at this point. All we can say is there is a lot of grounds for suspicion, there should be an official investigation of the sort the 9/11 commission did not engage in and that the failure to do these things is cheating the American people and in some sense the people of the world of a greater confidence in what really happened than they presently possess."

Liitän tähän vielä smoking mirrors-blogin kirjoittajan tuoreen näkemyksen 9/11 skenariosta:

Okay… here’s how it is. Everything… everything we are going through; all the draconian security measures that screw up our freedom of expression and movement are because of the 9/11 attacks. They are also pointless because the terrorists in question happen to be the state itself, with the assistance of at least one other nation.

All of the deaths in Afghanistan and Iraq; the savage butchery in Palestine and the raping and pillaging of the American economy by Halliburton and so many other blood sucking siphon machines are all happening and have happened because of 9/11.

9/11 was blamed on a man who denied it and who supposedly headed up an organization that high ranking members of the CIA say does not exist. The myriad of connections between Israel and 9/11 is tremendous and no amount of coincidence can account for it. People who have been connected to their countries secret service; ex-presidents and high officials in various lands have said that 9/11 was an inside job and some have laid the blame at the feet of the CIA and Mossad. I tend to believe that MI-6 had some connection to it as well. They certainly were connected to 7/7 in the London tube. The same Israeli security firm was in charge of all 9/11 airports, the London tube and the Madrid train station. I can go on and on about Dancing Israeli’s and Odigo… the sheer weight of the evidence is… I can’t find a word for it.

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