keskiviikko 5. maaliskuuta 2008

70% äänivyöry: Ron Paul varmisti paikkansa kongressissa

Republikaanisen puolueen presidenttiehdokkaaksi edelleen pyrkivä Ron Paul joutui kuukausi sitten
keskittymään taisteluun paikastaan kongressin edustajanhuoneessa. Tämän aamuisen tietojen mukaan vaalit on pidetty ja RP voitti ylivoimaisesti saamalla peräti 70% äänistä.

Ron Paul Wins Texas

Republican Ron Paul has won Texas...but just not the US Presidential Primary.

Paul has been re-elected to Congress in the Fourteenth District of Texas and this is great news for the online gambling community as the feisty Congressman is one of the industry's closest allies.

While most of the country's attention was focused on the key presidential primaries, the Lone Star and Buckeye states were also hosting their share of compelling Congressional primaries -- including the re-election bids of Presidential candidates Reps. Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul.

Paul was getting around 70 percent of the vote in his Congressional district.

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