torstai 17. tammikuuta 2008

Ron Paul saa lisäjulkisuutta Venäjällä

Russia Today näyttää kirjoittavan huomattavasti enemmän Ron Paul´ista ja amerikan vaaleista kuin mitä Suomen media. On toisaalta ymmärrettävää että Venäjällä ollaan kiinnostuneita kaikesta joka voi vaikuttaa Yhdysvaltain sotilaalliseen läsnäoloon. Ron Paul presidenttinä tarkoittaisi aivan uskomattoman suurta loikkaa kohti liennytystä suurvaltojen välisessä valtapolitiikassa. Mikäli USA sulkisi edes osan 700 sotilatukikohdistaan sillä olisi suuri merkitys Venäjälle. (Kiitokset Janukselle vihjeestä)

"The competition for the Republican nomination remains wide open; three different candidates have won the first three significant contests as the race moves on to Nevada.

But there's a candidate who feels cheated. Ron Paul received zero votes in one New Hampshire county, but people came forward claiming they cast their vote for him. Human error was admitted in the count. But still the politician sees himself left out of campaigning.

The lack of media coverage has turned Ron Paul into the ghost candidate in this race for the White House. And one can't help but wonder why the Texas Congressman doesn't get much air-time, despite all the hype?

Ron Paul has been a lot more successful at raising money than anyone could have expected."

Tässä toinen Russia Today artikkeli jossa kerrotaan vaalivilppiepäilyksistä.

"There are also problems with the votes for republican Ron Paul in the second precinct.

Earlier, it was reported that he received zero votes. But after one of the voters claimed that he voted for Paul, there was a recount. It showed that Paul received 31 votes, which were lost due to human error. "

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