keskiviikko 26. joulukuuta 2007

Missä Ron Paul ?

Niinpä niin. Tässä kaikki presidentiehdokkaat joita tutkimuslaitos Rasmussen Reports listaa:

Rep: Giuliani, Huckabee, Thompson, Romney, McCain

Dem: Clinton, Obama, Edwards


Voimme vain ihmetellä mokomaa röyhkeyttä. Voimme vain halveksua moista valehtelua. Voimme ehkä oppia jotain myös. Ehkei Suomessakaan pidä liikaa luottaa Taloustutkimuksen ja muiden tekemiin vaaligallupeihin....

Tutkimuslaitos Zogby taas listaa Paul´in. Eikö ole outoa. Zogbyn johtaja itse asiassa arvioi että Ron Paul tulee yllättämään monet.

Tässä mielenkiintoinen näkemys
jonka mukaan gallupit ja sen sellaiset ovat täysin merkityksettömät.

1. The polls count on predictable behavior where only certain people (2004 George W Bush voters) are going to show up to vote. This means that a majority of Ron Paul's supporters (Independents, disgruntled Republicans, Libertarians, & Democrats) are not even included in these polls.

2. Ron Paul has been left out of a lot of the polls. He's been hidden as "6 for other" in many of them. There have even been reports that when people select Ron Paul that they've been dropped from the polling database.

3. The polls do not consider the strength of support. Most supporters of the so called "mainstream" candidates such as Rudy Giuliani & Mitt Romney don't really believe in their chosen candidate. They know deep down that their candidate is nothing special and just represents "politics as usual." They know that these people will say anything to be elected. They usually support their chosen candidate based on very superficial reasoning that can be knocked down easily by any sort of logical questioning."

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